
Archive for December, 2011

(on very late Pasolini)

Pier Paolo Pasolini on the Aesthetic’s Fading II

The films in the Trilogy Of Life are “my most ideological films of all” because they are set in periods “before the body had become merchandise … But I don’t believe in them any more.”

Pasolini. Svenska Filminstitutet. Stockholm, 1975. Cited in B.D. Schwartz. Pasolini Requiem. Page 13

Pier Paolo Pasolini on the Aesthetic’s Fading

“I love life so fiercely, so desperately, that nothing good can come of it: I mean the physical facts of life, the sun, the grass, youth. It’s a much more terrible vice than cocaine, it costs me nothing, and there is an endless abundance of it, with no limits: and I devour, devour.” / “My poetry differs  from that of the 20th century; it substitutes logic for the analogical, problems for gracefulness.”


Cited in Siciliano, Enzo Pasolini: A Biography. Trans.John Shepley. Random House. New York. 1982.  204-205 Translation modified.


Categories: Pier Paolo Pasolini